2009 has been a great year to us. God showered alot of blessings. and we are super thankful for every blessings that we received from Him.
Our unforgettable and memorable February 21 2009. A new chapter our lives together. Marrying arman was the best thing that ever happened to me....

May 2009,his residency was approved and went to hk to start our lives together and luckily after a month he got a job in SAP. Thats my man, and im so proud of him :)
Then Jun 04,2009. I was positive. I was only 2 days delayed when we found out the i'm carrying our little one.The best thing and greatest blessing from God. A dream come true. October when we found out that a baby girl is on the way. and just few days from now, we'll be seeing her and hold her in our arms :)

February is so memorable to us. Our wedding month and our due date :)
Super Thank God for all the blessings last 2009 :) Hoping and praying 2010 will also be a great year to us :)